
Social Media Implications and the Black Family


$25 Enroll

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Course Instructor

Ashley D. Gilmore, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor and National Board-Certified Counselor

Course Description


Course Description

Nipsey, Kobe, COVID-19 (tha Rona), Black Twitter, Black Lives Matter.

The mourning of our world has unfolded in front of our eyes and literally in our hands, on our phones. Through the hashtags and constant memes, social media has become a place of great trauma as we witness daily the demise of Nipsey Hustle and Kobe Bryant. Through twitter hashtags created by Black Twitter, we have learned to survive the quarantined life we are living in this moment. Yet, while social media has the implications to mentally drain us, it is in these moments that social media grounds us, connects us and encourages us. Utilizing a narrative approach, this conversation will allow us to work through the daily trauma of reliving these deaths but adds joy and creates hope for tomorrow.

Course Objectives

  1. To understand the impact of social media on us personally and professionally.
  2. Ways we can manage our anxiety, sadness and hope in hard moments.
  3. To work through understanding when it's ok to take breaks from social media.
  4. Ways we can help our clients feel secure while using social media in these hard times.